
Tell-Tale Signs It Is Time To Move To A New Home

It can be difficult to know when it is time to move, especially when you have lived in an area for over five years or more. Nonetheless, there is plenty of reason you may need to move. It can be for a job, expanding a family, or other big life changes. Maybe you have talked yourself out of moving time and time again because you believe in the old saying “the grass is not greener on the other side.” Regardless, here are some tell-tale signs it is time to move to a new home.

Your Home Is Closing In On You

This is one of the most glaringly obvious signs that it may be time to move. Your starter home was cute at first. Everything felt really cozy and closed in, but now that your family has expanded or you have accumulated more stuff. Being in your small home is now uncomfortable. Your closets may be piled to the ceiling with things like clothes, sporting wear, lawn equipment and workout gear for example. You have run out of storage solutions and there is just no space for anything. When this happens, you know it is definitely time to look for a bigger place to live.

You Do Not Feel Safe In Your Neighborhood

Feeling safe in your own neighborhood can do wonders for your quality of life. For this reason, it can be understanding why you would want to move if your neighborhood is not safe. If you are finding yourself putting blankets on the wall to block out the sound of police or ambulances whizzing by or you would never think about walking outside at night, it may be time to move to a safer neighborhood. Compare quotes to the most recommended moving company and move right along.

Your Commute Is Too Long

A very long commute is the worst. You may not have to be at work until 9:00 a.m., but because it takes you two hours to get there in traffic, you may have to leave your house by 7:00 a.m. That is the pits. After a long day the commute maybe even more unbearable. All you want to do is get home so you can make use of those off hours to work out, plant in your garden, play your favorite video game or reconnect with your friends and family. If you are finding yourself spending more time in the car than you do at work, it may be time to reconsider where you live.

You Have Too Much House

For some people, there is no such thing as too much house, but for others, this rings true. There was a time when you needed all the space your big house offered. Maybe you are a new empty-nester and you are looking to downsize. A big house is a lot to clean and maintain if it is just you or you and another person. If this is your situation, it may be time for you to find a new, smaller spot.

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