
How To Make Moving Less Stressful, More Fun

We tend to think of moving into a new home as a positive act. And overall, that’s true. But that doesn’t mean that every element of it is positive. There can be some negative aspects. Indeed, things can be so troublesome that some researchers have concluded that moving house is one of life’s most stressful moments.

However, if you’re planning to move soon, then fear not: you don’t have to just accept that the process will be a disaster. No, there are things you can do that’ll help to limit the stress and even make the move more fun. We’ll take a look at some of the best tips for doing just that below.

Embrace the Chaos

Things won’t run perfectly. And if you think they will, you’ll be setting yourself up for a bad time. Rather than trying to ensure that everything runs smoothly from beginning to end, look at embracing the chaos. Things will go wrong, and that’s OK — it’s unlikely to be the worst thing in the world!

Leaving Parties

You’ll likely have created plenty of great memories in the place you’re leaving. So look at honouring the space before you leave. An intimate leaving party before you depart will help to keep the fun alive. You’re about to embark on a new chapter, but don’t forget where you’ve come from!

Handling the Move

The main reason why people get stressed when moving is that they’ve never done it before. It’s hard to do something if you have no experience in doing it! So instead, why not look at handing some tasks over to people who do have experience in moving house? Rather than wrestling with heavy boxes yourself, hire professional movers to do it for you. You’ll find that everything’s much easier to manage when you’re not trying to figure out how to get a bed down your stairs. 


It’s hard to make anything fun when you’re hungry. And when you’re doing something as stressful as moving, then you should be very aware of “hanger” setting in. It’s easy to overlook your eating requirements when you have so much to take care of; plus, it’s unlikely that you’ll have access to a kitchen while you’re moving anyway. The solution? Takeout food! This is your chance to do the rounds of the best local takeout spots. Keep a steady stream of delicious food coming in, and you’ll always be on the path toward happiness. 

Rope In Friends and Family

Isn’t everything better with friends? We can’t think of too many activities that are not enhanced in some way by having your nearest and dearest around you. And this most definitely applies to moving. You’ll find that the process is much more enjoyable if you’re surrounded by people who make you laugh and smile. Of course, if you’re going to ask for help, then you’ll need to offer something in return — but if they’re good friends, then a few beers and slices of pizza will do the trick.

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