
How To Stage Your House In 8 Easy Steps

Your first step should always be to do research. This may seem like common sense, but the more knowledge you have, the better decisions you will make. So, what works for one person might not work for the other. You’ll want to take into account your home’s size, layout, and décor, as well as your style.

Don’t forget that people don’t just stage their homes to live in but also sell. The property being advertised looks beautiful. For example: click here to view the listing >>

Once you have a good idea of what you’re working with, it’s time to get started! 

Here are eight easy steps that should help you out:

1. Declutter

The first step is always the hardest, but starting with a clean slate is essential. This means getting rid of any unnecessary furniture or belongings. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members – they may be happy to lend a hand (or a truck).

2. Scent

Scent can be a powerful addition to any stage. It’s one of the most transformative elements in all retail, and it doesn’t need to be expensive! There are many scented products out there that will add life to your space without breaking the bank. This has the double effect of adding coziness and an inviting ambiance while filling rooms with your chosen scent.

3. Lighting Control

Start by filling wall spaces with mirrors or other reflective objects that bounce light around the room. This gives more freedom and keeps things feeling airy and open. Change up your lighting to take advantage of these reflections, too! If you have overhead lights in a room, swap them out for tabletop lamps or sconces on the walls. You can also try adding colored bulbs to create different effects. It’s good to have an assortment so you can change it up depending on what you’re doing in each area.

4. Bedding & Cushions

This is probably the most straightforward design element that people overlook when staging their homes. Changing your bedding and adding new cushions is an easy way to quickly and cheaply refresh a room. And, if you’re selling, it’s a good idea to make the space as inviting as possible.

5. Flowers

Adding fresh flowers is a great way to brighten up any room – and it’s especially effective in bathrooms and kitchens. Not only do they add color and life to a space, but they can also be used to cover up unsightly areas or appliances. Try different clustering types of flowers together in vases or bowls for an impactful look.

6. Focal Points

A focal point is a critical element of any stage design. It’s something that draws your eye and helps to anchor a space. Maybe it’s a large piece of art or a striking piece of furniture. Whatever it is, make sure it’s styled to perfection. If everything in the room is competing for attention, it will be difficult for people to know where to look – and that’s not what you want!

7. Accessories

Accessories are another great way to add personality to a stage. They can also help to hide any flaws or shortcomings in the space. Choose accessories that reflect your style and taste, and mix and match them until you find the perfect combination.

8. Final Touches

Once you’ve finished styling your home, take a step back and admire your work. If you have time, take some pictures to remember the look. This is also an opportunity to see if any last-minute additions or changes could be made to present your stage in its best light.

There you have it!

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