Person carrying a bucket of cleaning products

Messing Up the Mess: Cleaning Mistakes We’re All Guilty Of

As a responsible homeowner, it’s your job to make sure your house is safe and clean at all times. However, with a busy work schedule– and not to mention all those personal errands you need to do– there’s a big chance to miss out on some of the important steps of the cleaning routine. Simple things like using the wrong bleaching products can make things worse. We’ve all been there, but now it’s time for a change. Here are some of the most common cleaning mistakes many homeowners are guilty of:

Leaving your sponge dirty

Take a break for a while and try to remember the last time you cleaned the sponge. If you can’t remember, it’s best to clean it right away or replace it with a new one. Keep in mind that you use it often to clean the dishes and other essential kitchen utensils. This is why it makes perfect sense to give those sponges the same attention to detail like any other household items. Additionally, sponges are prone to germs and bacteria. So, make sure to use the right cleaning products. Just wash it with the usual dishwashing soap. Remove the residue using soft bristle brush. You can also try some DIY hacks like warm water with lemon when cleaning the sponge. Lemons contain great antibacterial properties. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly.

cleaning supplies

Not reading the cleaning instructions carefully

Be vigilant when using new or unfamiliar cleaning products. Take note that some of these products are only designed for certain materials. For example, window cleaner, wet wipes, dishwashing liquid, and steam cleaner should never be used when cleaning leather. Pay enough attention to those labels that come with your regular cleaners, you might be surprised to find out that you’re actually not using those products the right way. Manufacturers spend all the time, effort, and money to research and develop the best way to use these products, and all this information is printed on those bottles and containers for us to read and understand. There are some cleaners that work specifically on certain surfaces or will take some time before you can fully see the results. So, instead of risking your furniture pieces and other important items at home, read those labels before wiping anything.

Not getting professional help

Cleaning may not be the most exciting chores, and we’d rather focus on other important things you need to do.  If you really don’t have the time to clean every room, it’s best to hire a professional house cleaning service in a city like Syracuse. These agencies will make things easier for you. Check out the packages they offer and their payment schemes. Ask about their promos. Usually, they charge their services per hour, but some agencies may offer a complete package for the entire house. Some of popular perks include, complete sanitation and disinfection, full carpet cleaning, vacuum, waste disposal, mattresses deep cleaning, and many more!

These are some of the common mistakes when cleaning the house. Keep your family safe and start improving your habit. If you really don’t have time to do the chores, consider hiring a professional house cleaning service.

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